Age is just a number chapter 1

After I had brush my teeth and taken a shower I went out in my bedroom again. I opened the door to my wardrobe and sighed, it was this moment when you don't know what to wear even if it's plenty of clothes in your wardrobe. I grabbed my ripped jeans, a t-shirt and my beloved hoodie that I always wore. Before I leaved my room I took the hoodie over my head, there…safety. I always felt safe under the hood, like I protected myself from the world. At the same time I walked down the steps, have to add that I walked really slow like a sloth, I thought about the sight I had seen in the mirror. My face all pale, dead pale and the dark shadows under my eyes that witness about that I didn't slept well. It looked awful, I looked like a vampire. But I didn't care really, didn't care about my look. Back in Sweden I have learned that no matter what I did to ''improve'' my look it wasn't enough. They still thought I was ugly, shallow bastards! So I have given up improve my look, because it didn't matter. Don't get me wrong, I clean myself and keep my hygiene. I entered the kitchen and took a seat with the family, it smelled bacon and egg. I have problems with the eating part so I just took a small piece. ''I heard that the school have a big surprise for the students today'' Annie said with a smile. ''I'm not really into surprises..'' I said and played with the bacon with my fork. Annie sighed and said ''I bet you will love this one'' her smile had grown wider. ''I doubt it'' I muttered. I had just taken small pieces into my mouth of the bacon. I laid the fork down and watched the time on my phone. Shit! 7.30 the bus went 7.45! I was late. The only way to get to the bus was running and I had no good condition. ''I gotta go!'' I said and was up from the chair in a second. I grabbed my bag and hanged it on my shoulder and went out the door. I ran as fast as I could. I was getting close now, I saw the red bus but it was taking off. I know how that bus worked cause I go with it everyday. So I know that, that bus had problems with getting up speed in the beginning. I yelled after it ''Hey!! Stop!! I gotta get on!'' The bus still kept going. I was at the bus now and became so angry of that mean driver so I kicked really hard on the bus who still was moving and shouted ''God dammit, stop!'' I don't know what I was thinking, noway he will stop now. Not after I kicked his bus. The bus kept moving and I stopped. But after a couple of meters the bus went still. I ran and went on as fast as I could so he didn't drive away. The driver Mr.Davies gave me a glare and muttered ''You damaged my bus, damn kids these days'' I glared back and said ''Well, maybe you should have stopped in the first place'' Mr.Davies was known as a total douche. I walked pass all the seats and students glared and whispered. I found my ordinary place in the back. I plugged my earphones in and started Kent - Töntarna. It was a swedish band, the best band Sweden had. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the window.
I walked towards my school, I hated school. But I had to admit, this school was beautiful. It looked like an old castle. I love old things, a thing I got from my mom. I opened the big doors and went in. I spotted Taylor and her followers, my bullies who seemed to love to make my life to a living hell. But my locker were in the end of the corridor so I had to walk pass them. I started to walk pretty fast and when I thought I was safe a leg came out in front of my legs and I fell down. All my books in my bag fell out and laid now in a total mess over the floor. Taylor's hand went up to her chest and burst out ''Oh dear, I didn't saw you coming'' Her fake worried faced made all of the others laugh. I collected all my books and put them in my bag again and got up. ''You maybe should go and check your sight. You may need glasses'' I said and walked away. She shouted after me ''You do the right thing to hide your face under that hood. You are so ugly that everyone would puke if you hadn't it on'' The last thing I heard before I opened the door to my classroom was the laughter of half of the school.
Two hours of mathematic, dear god. I felt dizzy and ill. It felt like I was about to throw up. But I pushed it all aside and tried to focus on the class. The principals voice through the speaker stopped the class. ''All students to the hall!'' All students looked on each other, whispering. I waited to go til all the students had gone through the door. Then I went up and followed. The hall was a really big room, lots of seats. It was the place the school did all the plays and music performance. As usual I took the seat in the back, I liked the back seats. No eyes on you. Principal Moore was in his 50's I supposed because of his bald head. He only had hair on the sides. But he was pretty tall. He was now on his way up on the stage. He took out his handkerchief, which he always had on him, and wipe up his sweat of his forehead. ''We have special guests here today, they have decided to study here in one year'' Ha! They must be really special, there are guards standing in front of the stage. Ridiculous. ''To all of the girls, please take it easy…'' All the girls gives each other an confused look. He went on ''Let me introduce… One Direction! Liam, Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn!'' All the girls went crazy as they came out and entered the stage. They waved and smiled big smiles. Now I get it why the guards stands there, because all the girls went up and ran towards the stage. This is crazy, the girls act crazy. I stayed in my seat, calmly, I was a directioner once, they were my biggest idols. But as you know I quitted with everything when my mom died. I haven't read anything about them in a year. So I didn't know what's happened in their lives. Not like I care, I didn't care about anything these days. ''It's really great to be here! And we are looking forward to study here a whole year!'' Said Liam with a happy face. I took my hand for my head. All this screaming…It made me all dizzy. I ran out of the hall and walked quickly to the ladies room. I went in and took some water to my face and then I went down the wall and just sat there. Why did they decide to study on a school like this. It will be crazy, they will never be alone. It was dumb in my opinion. I sat there a long time, but now I have to get up so I did. Went out, and was about to walk pass the boys bathroom door when it went up fast and knocked me so hard that I fell back and landed on my bum. ''Oh, dear god!'' I heard some one say. The voice pretty similar. A hand came in sight ''Here, let me help you up'' I grabbed the hand and I flew up. ''I'm so sorry, are you okay?'' His voice sounded worry. Strange no one is ever worried about me. ''Yes, i'm fine'' I took the time to look who the boy was. In front of me stood the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. Those eyes, his hair and that smile was to die for. ''I'm sorry, I didn't got the chance to introduce myself. I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson''