Age is just a number chapter 3

Melissa's POV
I woke up the next morning, the sun shone right in my eyes, and the annoying clock ringing. I groaned, I took my hand to my head. It hurt so bad, like a hammer crashing my skull. I whined and took the pillow over my head. I had done a stupid thing last night. But the rush of the alcohol was amazing. I felt something on it's way up my throat and I ran up of bed and hurried to my bathroom. I opened the toilet seat and throw up, all the alcohol came up and the taste of it was awful. When I was done sweat ran down my face, so now I know how a hangover feels and it's not nice at all. I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth. I don't remember much from yesterday, just a disgusting guy and Louis. That's all. I walked to the shelf and grabbed some aspirin, urgh this headache were killing me. But I knew I couldn't miss school, how much I maybe wanted to. I took a shower hoping it will make me feel at least a little better and get rid of the smell of puke and alcohol. I jumped out of the shower feeling just a little bit better, took my towel and wrapped it around my body. In the corner of my eye I saw something that shine, I turned my head slowly and saw my razor blade. I felt this feeling inside my chest, anxious. I had lots of scars on my arms and on my body, to cut was addicting you felt good when you did it but much worse after. Still I keep on doing it, i'm after the good feeling in the beginning. I picked up the razor blade and slowly putted it on my wrist. I did a quick motion and there it was, blood was dripping down my wrist my whole hand was covered of the red blood. I watched while the blood ran down the sink and I felt myself shaking and crying. This was a typical panic attack. I fell down on my knees sobbing loudly, shaking like a leaf in the stormy wind. After ten minutes of breakdown I finally went up and cleaned it of. I went out of the bathroom and picked my outfit of the day. I took my black ripped jeans, a t-shirt with the text ''I love you like zombie hearts'', a necklace my mom gave me I always worn it, my black hoodie, a black beanie and at last I put on my military boots. I grabbed my bag and was about to walk out my room, but then stopped. I didn't wanna face Annie, I didn't remember my homecoming yesterday but I was sure she saw it. So instead of walking out like I usually did I sneaked to my window and opened it. It was not that high so I could easily jump out. I throwed my bag out first and then I jumped out. I fast grabbed my bag and jogged out of there in the direction to the bus. This time I was on time, the old bus made a loud sound as it stopped. I went in and as usual Mr.Davies glared at me and I stuck my tongue out. I took a good look at the seats in the bus, students yelled loudly. It was almost like a zoo, i'm not kidding they were like baboons. I gave them a look with disgust in my eyes. When I was about to go for my regular seat in the back a girl catches my eyes. She was redheaded with freckles, green eyes. I saw as she tried to punch away the hands who was dragging her red curls. I sighed as I saw who the person that was bothering her were. James, Taylor's boyfriend. ''Damn ginger! We don't want gingers in our school'' He said as he took her hair and then did a face of disgust. The rest of the cult, as I called them, laughed and agreed. I am a pretty impulsive person so I walked straight to the seat next to the girl. James was sitting next to her, I stopped in front of him. He gave me an amused look. ''Oh, uglyface herself!'' I glared at him. ''James, you know how much I love it when you call me that. Now, be a good boy and go and bother someone who gives a fuck'' I gave him a smile. I acted like I didn't care, but the words these people called me everyday did hurt. I heard whistles and James stood up and shrugged. ''I don't wanna sit with the freaks anyway'' he walked back to his ''cult'' and I took the seat beside the girl. She gave me a thankful look and said ''Thank you'' I gave her a smile ''No problems, are you new? I haven't seen you before..'' I looked at her, I didn't trust easily but something in her eyes told me that I could trust her. ''Oh, yeah. I'm Cristie and I just moved here from Scotland'' A lock of her hair had fallen to her eyes and she put it back behind her ear. ''Nice to meet you Cristie, i'm Melissa and I am not from England either. I'm from Sweden'' Her eyes went wide ''Sweden? Really?'' She sat up straight and the excitement in her eyes was big. ''Well, yes'' I chuckled ''I have always wanted to go there!'' she screamed and then fast put her hands over her mouth. She looked worriedly over at James and Taylor. I followed her gaze and said ''Don't worry about them. They are hacking on me too. I will help you'' I leaned back. ''Thanks, they are really rude!'' She whispered loud but only I could hear it. I chuckled ''Dear, they are not rude…They are evil'' I closed my eyes and flashbacks washed over my brain. How they have tortured me since the first day I came here. I opened my eyes as the bus made a abrupt stop. Damn, Mr.Davies are really a bad driver. All of the students went fast off the bus, I looked out of the window and realized why they have rushed out so fast. On the bench under the big tree, just outside the school, was One Direction boys sitting. Me and Cristie jumped out of the bus. ''Hey, why is all gathered back there?'' Cristie said and pointed in the direction were the 1D boys sat. Before I could answer she shouted ''Omg! It's One Direction!'' She jumped up and down of joy. ''I have dreamed of meeting them for so long, come!'' She said and started walking but stopped when she noticed that I was not following. ''Aren't you coming?'' She raised her eyebrows. ''No…I…'' I stuttered. ''Come on! Don't you like them??'' Wow, she was such a fangirl! But I still liked her. ''Yes…But…'' I didn't got the chance to say anything more cause she was now dragging me across the field and towards the hop of people. I really don't wanna see Louis, I now he was at the club yesterday and I know our meeting will be awkward even if I don't remember what really happened yesterday. But I know he was there. Stupid me! Why did I have to drink so much!? I don't remember a thing, just a creepy guy and something with Louis. The mass of people was so thick we couldn't get through to the guys. A sigh of relief came out my mouth. I looked over at Cristie and a disappointment look was all over her face. She has dreamed of meeting these boys, I have also done that once. I felt sorry for her and took her hand and pushed through the crowd. ''Excuse me, coming through!'' I shouted and pushed everyone to the side. I know it maybe looked bitchy but for some reason I felt like Cristie was like a sister I never had and wanted her to meet her idols. Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall all turned their eyes on us as we struggled to get through. We clumsy stumbled in the circle the people have created. For some reason I hated how they just sat there and was like 'hey look at us we're famous!' I rolled my eyes. Cristie's face went pale and her mouth formed as a 'o'. I pushed her gently in the back and gave her a look that said that she should go up to them and talk. She walked on shaking legs, I bit my lip and helped her walk. When we came there all she could say was ''H…h…h'' That was a try to a 'Hi' Dear lord this was awkward! ''Well, she wanted to say 'Hi i'm Cristie' '' I rubbed her back to get her to say something. ''Yeah…Hi'' She giggled. ''Well, hello Cristie!'' said Niall with a huge smile on his face. The rest of the boys greeted Cristie. I stood there and bit on my sleeve as they talked. I saw that Louis looked at me, I gave him a little smile and then looked away. I felt his looking eyes burning on me. ''Well, what's your name beautiful?'' I turned to look at Harry who was asking me. I was shocked that he called me beautiful. No one never has. I was just about to answer when a voice answered for me ''Melissa. Her name is Melissa'' It was Louis, he gave me a lovely smile. Harry looked at Louis and then back at me. Obviously confused. ''Do you know her?'' He asked, now looking at Louis again with a grin on his face. ''Well, yes. We have already met'' Harry smiled a big smile one more time showing off his amazing teeth. He got up and took my hand and kissed it gently. ''Hello, Melissa'' He said with a soft voice and winked with his eye. I felt myself blush, I couldn't help it. With what I remember of the boys I remember Harry was a flirt and I have to admit he is kind off charming. I saw Louis look at us, with a strange look on his face. The look looked like jealousy, but that was not possible. Or was it? I greeted the other boys too, and they were really nice actually. Liam reminded much of my brother, Zayn was not so quiet as I first think he would be and Niall was exactly like I excepted, carefree and full of happiness. The crowd started to disappear giving us the death looks. ''We're gonna have a movie night tonight at Louis' and Harry's place. Wanna come?'' Liam asked me and Cristie. ''Yeah, that would be so much fun! To get to know each other.'' Louis said putting his arm around Liam's shoulder. The other boys agreed. No, this was dangoures. I don't want to come to close to someone, it only brings pain. But the look on their face's and Cristie's… I just couldn't say no too that. ''That sound like fun!'' I said with a smile on my face. Confused about if the smile was real or fake. ''Great! We pick you up at six. Where do you live?'' Louis said. ''Universal House, 88-94 Wentworth Street'' I said and he nodded. I was about to say goodbye when he said ''Hey, can we switch number? You know if there's any trouble or something'' I gave him a cheeky smile and said ''Sure'' Louis and I switched numbers and Cristie and I said goodbye to the boys and walked to our first class. What have I giving me in to?
Ledsen för dålig uppdatering! Och det här kapitlet blev jag inte så jätte nöjd över. Men det kommer bli bättre ju längre det kommer! Kan man få åtminstone 5 kommentarer? :)